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Bespoke Human Factors training solutions to empower individuals, teams and organisations with the skills they need to thrive.


How do you help in-house lawyers to thrive?

We offer events and team training opportunities which focus on non-technical or human skills such as communication, resilience and priority management.  By empowering individuals with these skills we encourage the optimal environment for individuals to perform to their best whilst maximising their wellbeing.

How does your Business embody being "human"?

Being Human is at our core.  Our training is based on sharing an understanding of the behaviour of individuals, their interactions with each other and their environment.   By understanding how humans are hard wired we teach individuals and teams how they can thrive in high-pressured environments.

What is the biggest change you'd like to see in the legal profession and why?

Incorporating human skills training in professional skills training.  Currently these are very much focused on technical skills but these only get lawyers so far.  Non-technical skills are essential and will become even more important in the changing world of legal teach and generative AI.

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To find out more, please contact:

Claire Sanders

  • LinkedIn

“Being Human is heading to grow and dominate this area, something different and new that will help you and your practice thrive, sustainably!"

Steve Clarke, Counsel @ VMO2, Founder @ Brave Ascent

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