How do you help in-house lawyers to thrive?
By helping them evolve "voice" - whatever that means for them - from a place of greater connection to self and others, increased authenticity and greater awareness of values and purpose.
How does your Business embody being "human"?
One of the fundaments of all leadership development work is the "whole person" approach; my business works to help clients integrate, rather than separate, the different parts of themselves and understand that performance and wellbeing are symbiotic and must be looked at together.
What is the biggest change you'd like to see in the legal profession and why?
I would like to see EQ valued as highly as IQ as it is central to everything individuals and organisations need to thrive: greater productivity, wellbeing, belonging, inclusion, creativity and collaboration. I believe that all of these things are crucial to having a diverse, healthy legal industry that best represents those it serves.

“Being Human is heading to grow and dominate this area, something different and new that will help you and your practice thrive, sustainably!"
Steve Clarke, Counsel @ VMO2, Founder @ Brave Ascent